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Free Scam Detector - Prevent Phishing Scams - Genie by Norton

Free Scam Detector - Prevent Phishing Scams - Genie by Norton

Norton Genie is an industry-leading AI-powered scam detection tool developed by Norton. It’s designed to help you stay safer from financial fraud and identity theft. Here’s how it works:

Scam Detection: Norton Genie scans and reviews text messages, emails, websites, and social media posts to identify potential scams. Whether it’s a suspicious message or a questionable website, Genie provides instant advice on whether it could be a scam.

Easy to Use: Just upload a screenshot or copy and paste the text message, social media post, email, or website you want checked. Genie will analyze it and let you know in seconds if it’s a potential scam. You can also ask Genie any scam-related questions and get tips on what to do next.

Continuous Learning: Genie keeps evolving and getting smarter as it encounters more scams. Criminals are always finding new ways to trick people, but Genie’s advanced AI helps you stay ahead of threats.

Why You Need It: Criminals make scams look like legitimate messages, making it easy to get tricked into opening, clicking, or sharing shady links. Genie acts as your first line of defense, helping you avoid falling victim to scams.

Remember, phishing and smishing (text-based phishing) are at an all-time high, so having a reliable scam detector like Norton Genie is crucial for your digital safety1. You can download Genie on iOS or try it on your desktop or web browser for free.

Microsoft Designer - Stunning designs in a flash

Microsoft Designer - Stunning designs in a flash

Microsoft Designer is an innovative web app that leverages the power of AI to assist you in creating stunning visuals and graphics. If you’re a Microsoft 365 subscriber, you can access this tool and explore its capabilities.

Here’s what you can do with Microsoft Designer:

Create Professional-Quality Designs: Whether you’re working on social media posts, invitations, digital postcards, or other graphics, Microsoft Designer helps you produce polished and eye-catching content.

AI-Powered Assistance: The tool uses artificial intelligence to generate designs based on your prompts. It’s like having a creative collaborator that understands your vision and brings it to life.

Versatile Applications: You can use Microsoft Designer to craft items such as signs, logos, website banners, and more. The possibilities are vast, and the AI-driven suggestions can spark your creativity.

User-Friendly Interface: Start with your idea, and the app guides you through the design process. Even if you’re not a professional designer, you can achieve impressive results.


Claude is a next-generation AI assistant developed by Anthropic. It’s based on their research into training helpful, honest, and harmless AI systems. Claude is accessible through a chat interface and an API in their developer console. Here are some key points about Claude:

Capabilities: Claude can handle a wide variety of conversational and text processing tasks while maintaining reliability and predictability. It can assist with summarization, search, creative writing, Q&A, coding, and more1.

Partnerships: Anthropic has collaborated with companies like Notion, Quora, and DuckDuckGo to test Claude in real-world scenarios. Early users report that Claude is less likely to produce harmful outputs, easier to converse with, and more steerable. Claude can also adapt its personality, tone, and behavior1.

Two Versions:

Claude: A state-of-the-art high-performance model.

Claude Instant: A lighter, less expensive, and faster option1.

Partner Testimonials:

Quora users appreciate Claude’s detailed and easily understood answers, finding exchanges to be natural and conversational. Users describe Claude as more interactive and creative than ChatGPT1.

Juni Learning, an online education provider, uses Claude to power their Discord Juni Tutor Bot, delivering high-quality responses for academic success1.

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